The peculiar benchmarks we set.
Waiting for specific markers like Christmas or New Year to kickstart self-improvement or embark on new ventures can seem as odd as waiting for your TV remote to grow legs and fetch itself. These annual milestones are often seen as a chance for a fresh start, a psychological boost, and a clean slate for setting goals. They carry the festive cheer, togetherness, and cultural significance that can light the fire of inspiration. But here's the catch: why postpone your dreams to these arbitrary dates? It's like waiting for a pigeon to mail you an invitation to your own birthday party.
Don't be trapped in the nonsense of the procrastination paradox; these markers don't have any magical power. Instead of relying on the calendar's whims, realise that every day is a gift. The calendar doesn't hold the exclusive copyright to personal growth; it's available round the clock, all year long. By procrastinating, you're just wasting time that could be spent achieving your goals. It's like postponing a BBQ because you're waiting for the perfect weather – seize the day, and you'll make your own sunshine - even if it is pissing down.
In reality, every day offers an opportunity for growth and change. So, while these markers can provide a nudge, you don't need to wait for them to get started. Embrace the spontaneity of life and don’t wait until after easter to start jogging or smoke the last of your Duty Free haul before you quit. Do it now.