Small steps, not giant leaps

Person taking small steps on a path, symbolizing gradual progress with Binday Blues

Planning in small steps is like tackling a gigantic pizza – you can't devour it in one bite! Instead of feeling like you're facing a pizza the size of a child’s trampoline, break it down into bite-sized slices. Small steps make the whole process feel less like an eating contest and more like a delicious adventure.

Picture this: you've got a dream of launching a rocket to the moon. Sounds challenging, right? But think about it in small steps. Step one: Google "How to build a rocket." Step two: Find your toolbox. Step three: Ask your mate if can you borrow his welder. Soon enough, you'll be one giant leap closer to the moon (just remember to pack clean underpants).

In life, business, or any grand challenge, small steps ensure you don't trip over your own enthusiasm. They're like the breadcrumbs that lead you out of the dark woods of confusion. So, break it down, take it one step at a time, and remember, even Neil Armstrong had to learn to crawl before they could walk on the moon!

  • Define Your Goal: Start by clearly defining your overall goal. What do you want to achieve?

  • Break It Down: Once you have your goal in mind, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks or steps.

  • Prioritise and Execute: Then start at the first step.


Just have a walk


Stop putting off joy